Have you ever needed supernatural strength to face a situation head-on, but not known what to pray? God is waiting and wants to offer us strength in time of need. Do not be afraid to pray and ask God for His strength to fall upon you!
When You're Struggling Simply Pray These Words:
Oh mighty Lord,
I’m knocked down and hurt. It all looks dark. I’m tempted to give up.
Won’t you help me?
Give me the strength, oh Lord, to take one step forward. Just one. Help me to begin again.
If there is sin in the way, forgive and cleanse me. If the enemy tries to stop me with his lies and deceit, in Jesus’ name, cast out the devil, and set my soul free.
Reveal to my heart, oh Lord, Christ resurrected in victory over sin and death. And may I rise up with him, strong and confident as a beloved child of God.
Let me walk steady and sure in the way that is Christ.
May my perseverance and testimony glorify you, O my Lord, my God.
In the name of Christ Jesus,